Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ghost Picture In The Field

Okai to all the people who say that ghosts me ,and 6b of my friends all have this one little girl hunting us with black hair and she looks like she is from the 1900's or something.Oh and by the way u dont know everything so stop saying that u can tell when their fake and u know that it can be made fake and by the way most of the pics were from a long time ago and they didn't have the stuff to make fake pics so stop saying that there fake .!!! Gesse people oh and i hate people who don't open their mind


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ghost In Front Of The House

the pictures are amazing, though with most of the pics, they were taken in the Early 1900's. I doubt a lot of ppl knew about the camera tricks back then. I don't doubt the idea of ghosts or spirits or energy, their's a lot of controversy between if there are or there arn't any spirits. Though its all in what YOU want to believe yourself.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Spookie Road Ghost

Ever single picture is either a chop or light reflections. Its obvious when there is light reflecting off the faces in different patterns then those of the faces of actual people. And the dude walking in the church is a motion blur, my daughter can do those....
Cool pictures but hardly proof for me. The odds that ghosts are real seem pretty darn slim. The idea that a dead body would have some kind of floating thing-a-ma-jig that floats around the natural world. I wonder if we could float through space and time? What would we be made out of? I hope ghosts are real, cause its cool, but frankly I have to assume they're not for now. Still... it's fun to be spooked sometimes :D BOO!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ghost Emperor Picture

To all those " Ghosts aren't real.", "Join the 21st Century, ghosts don't exist." and of course "Blah blah blah, I'm a uppity shwaz". What happened in your lives that took away your ability to see the truly interesting things going on in the world around you? And how exactly do you know? Did you get a copy of the 'Manual to Everything in the World', and I didn't? What kind of egotistical crap is that? Do you have proof-positive? Prove that ghosts aren't real. Please. Then I'll throw out some personal stories, that happened to me mind you, in retort. I DO believe, cause I've seen. Sooooooo, nah.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chicago Weird Ghost Picture

I believe these are real...I personally have seen, been pushed, and had someone or something call my name twice...Not all at once, years apart, but I know these pictures are not phony, and if they are, I still know that these things exist. I feel sorry for those who do not believe. I guess its one of those things, u have to see to believe. However, during the investigation (which was conducted during one of our tours), a guest named Kayla Hendricks took this picture:

Some say that they see the face of an angry Roosevelt in the flash - he's back, and he's PISSED! In reality, this is probably just a psychological trick - our brains are trained to look for shapes like faces in random noise like this (and the fact that we're happy to tell you this is one way you can tell that we're REAL ghost hunters here at Weird Chicago, not quacks!) But you never know...


Chicago Ghost Picture

Every one of those pictures can easily be explained by camera trickery, incompetent photography, or plain coincidence. I've made more convincing ghost pictures in my basement.

You don't need to be genius to know that all of these pictures could be reproduced with the most basic of photographic knowledge. Find out about long exposures and then see how you feel about them.Isn't the villain from the Scream movies taken from Edvard Munch's painting The Scream?
And yeah genius, at least give us a link to see your wonderful photographic trickery done in your basement.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Orbs Ghost of dead guy

Have you ever watch the orbs ghost? HI very creepy but did anyone notice in the picture of the grandma and her dead husband standing behind her, that the top left corner there what seems a scary face, and the pic of the women sitting on the tomb there something weird looking about the tree! spooky or what!!

This is just one another orbs ghost. The "orb" phemomenon has been GREAT for ghost tours everywhere. Orbs, the little balls of light that some people say are ghosts, or perhaps the most basic form of spirit energy, are very common, and easy to get on tours. Hardly a tour goes by that we don't get a handful of orb shots.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Orbs Face in Waves Ghost

This is another strange ghost pictures. See a face in the waves? Okay, only one says "experts" say, not naming who the expert is, it's an easy way to weasel out of providing evidence. the others say there's no evidence found by these fishy non-named "experts." Convenient that no names are named. As a skeptic, it's pretty easy for me to brush it off as an optical illusion when this sort of thing happens - but, then again, this sort of picture sort of comes in batches at this location; I'll go months without seeing one, then, all of a sudden, we'll get three every tour for a while.this is not scary pictures i think :)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spookie a Real Ghost Picture

Here's one of the spookier ones:

I dont really believe that are real...I personally have seen, been pushed, and had someone or something call my name twice...Not all at once, years apart, but I know these pictures are not phony, and if they are, I still know that these things exist. I feel sorry for those who do not believe. I guess its one of those things, u have to see to believe.
That's me, looking all ghostly. My guess is that this is just one of those camera whatzits that happen from time to time (though they do seem to be more common in Death Alley, the alley behind the site of the Iroquois Theatre, where this picture was taken - battery drainage is very common back there), but it sure is spooky-looking! Anyone else thinks the misty blur sort of looks like a face?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some strange Ghost Pictures

There are MANY ways to get a "ghost picture" that's really just an optical illusion at this place, but, on the other hand, I've had more kids than I can count say that they've seen a woman in these two windows, and the curtains were moving around a lot on this particular night - more than they normally do from the air vents. No adjustments have been made to these ones. What do you think? See anything?


Monday, March 23, 2009

Ghost Picture In Hospital

Ghosts may exist, they may not. Either way...a lot of these photos have been double exposed or even photo-shopped (the child by the grave...the child is far too large to actually be in the picture). It can be agreed that "famous" does not mean "real".
Personally, I believe in ghosts for the most part, though pictures make me skeptical. These all look fake, especially the one of the grandmother. That looks to me just to be someone who got caught in the picture, not a ghost.
Also, these 'experts', I'll agree, are clever disguises for the lack of any real proof that these are legit. Does anyone have anything better to do besides photoshop, blur, and blog pictures of black and white, too-fuzzy-to-be-determined "ghosts"? This strange photo was taken in an intensive care unit in Colorado.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

San Antonio Ghost Picture

That part about San Antonio is not as it seems, as well. The whole part about cars moving independently (as the story goes) is due to a terrain apparition called a gravity well, in which the foliage and such grow in the opposite direction that gravity would dictate. The gravity wells occur on hills, where the cars will seem to be moving independently, but it's just an optical illusion


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Boy Ghost Picture On Stage

Thats exactly why these things work. YOur brain is constantly attempting to make sense of the patterns and sensory information you take in. In an attempt to organize this information into common patterns it creates faces and fills in blanks and etc.
The fact that for the most part theyre all black and white also tells you something. Photo technologies were much different and so was the devloping process... easier to make mistakes in exposure and smudges and etc... You dont see color, digital photos of ghosts because the cameras take clear, accurate pictures. Oh yeah that and the fact they dont exist. ok, in the picture of the grandma and her ghost husband behind the trees in the upper left handc corner of the picture, does anyone else see something that looks like a face? might just be the trees, but hwen i noticed it it kinda freaked me out.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Strange White Ghost Picture

A possible explanation of the armchair one: They said that the lens was left open for a whole HOUR. If someone sat in the chair for just a few minutes, the lighter (more reflective) parts of their faces and clothes would show up on the film as a "ghost" image.
I agree with people, the 9-foot-tall dude and the baby look fake.
Otherwise, These are some impressive ghost pics. I've had some unexplainable experiences myself, but that's another discussion.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Church Ghost Picture

Someday, people are just going to have to wake up and realize that we DON'T know everything, and never will. The sheer possiblity that these lingering spirits don't exist shouldn't stop anyone from believing. Of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, and I totally agree that there are a few reasonable arguements out there claiming that ghosts don't exist. I'm just saying, maybe you should open your mind a bit. Half the fun is the thrill of believing and thinking, "Gee, maybe it wasn't double exposure, maybe it wasn't photoshopped, maybe ghosts are just real." So come on, don't be so critical! Be a little bit more accepting to other people's theories and beliefs, and always bear in mind there is no real proof that ghosts do or do not exist. It's up to you to decide what to make of it. OPEN YOUR MIND!!!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

White Woman Ghost

well no one will belive until they see something or has been touched or voices it is even better when everyone in the room seen it and heard it , i didn't belive it either. i thought they where crazy, but know i belive , but if you belive in god and his book and you never seen him/her or no good proof only people that are dead that wrote it maybe you are crazy !so that is how i feel now ,we cant belive in something we cant prove that sounds crazy? so we cant prove god so we shouldn't belive? well i belive in both i guess!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lady Ghost Picture In font of stone

Lady ghost picture. Normally I would say 'to each his own', but I seem to sense a pattern here. Why is that everyone that claims they saw or experienced a ghost are the hermits that stay in there houses waiting for this stuff to happen. Of course your mind is going to play tricks on you, you devote your life to finding them. Seriously, you should find some other way to channel your energy.


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